A Love I Never Thought I'd Get To Get To

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lessons Learned

In the past few years I have fallen, picked myself up, dusted myself off, and started to climb again only to fall once more. I have repeated this process more times than I care to count and each time I have fallen I have prayed to my Heavenly Father that picking myself up would be easier than it was the time before. I have made some good decisions but I have also made some poor ones and have paid dearly for them. Somewhere along the way I lost my faith and was convinced that I could run my life by myself (without guidance from the Lord) then was floored by the disappointments I faced. Here are a few of the lessons I've learned this year:

1. You can't make someone love and value you if they don't love and value themselves.
2. You can't help someone who isn't willing to help themselves.
3. Pride is the death sentence of all relationship.
4. You should never be with a person who makes you cry more than they make you smile.
5. There are people that you will never be able to please; it's not your fault, these people are at such odds with themselves that nothing you do or say will ever be good enough.
6. Addictions are like cancer, they infect and destroy everything they touch.
7. People who don't trust themselves will never be able to trust you. Once again, this is not your fault.

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