A Love I Never Thought I'd Get To Get To

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pick Up Lines. Do They Really Work?

I can't tell you how many times I've rolled my eyes at cheesy pick-up lines. Sorry guys, they don't really work. A "good" i.e. creative pick-up line may be a good way to "break the ice" but those are rare. Women want sincerity. Feeding us lines will only get you so far. After that we become bored and start looking for something with substance. If you see a girl that you really want to talk to, take a step back and observe. You're in the same place so you must have at least one thing in common. Capitalize on that and start talking to her about it. After you've initiated conversation, take it and run with it.

We want to know that you find us interesting, not that you're looking for your next hook-up. Most women like to connect on an intellectual level as well as the physical. We want to be more than just a pretty face to you. At the same time we also want to know that you find us attractive. Its all about finding a good balance.

Being real with us is the key. Yes, we enjoy being flattered and complimented but words do very little for us if you're not behind them. A woman can tell if you're just feeding her a line or if you genuinely mean what you're saying. One of the biggest turn-offs is a guy who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

Women want a man that is sincere and is real. The best thing you can do is be yourself. If you find yourself having to pretend to be something that you're not to impress a girl, she's not the girl for you. Who you are is going to be great for someone, you just have to find the right one. Being honest with yourself and with the girl you're dating is very important. You will get tired of having to act a certain way if its not what comes naturally to you and then you're faced with a bigger problem. You won't be the same guy the girl you're dating originally fell for.

It is very important to make sure that your words match your actions. We place more value on what you do and how you treat us than on what you say.

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