was over my family went into the Sealing room and witnessed my baby sister Mia being sealed to my parents. What an amazing, spiritually uplifting day!

On March 26th, my family, Michael's family, and our closest friends traveled to Manti to be part of one of the most important moments of mine and Michael's lives. We both finally got our dream of being married in the Manti Temple.

On April 16th we had our reception in Vegas. (Pictures to come) A week later we boarded an airplane for Miami. Michael and I spent a day in Florida then boarded the Norwegian Sky, the most amazing cruise ship I've ever seen. We spent 4 days in the Bahamas! The honeymoon story will be covered in a separate post once we find the memory card containing all the pictures. I like to blame Michael for misplacing it but, in all honesty, I have absolutely no idea how it managed to make its way out of the camera.
The highlight of May was the end of the Spring semester. Despite planning a wedding, losing my condo in February, having to move, and dealing with 2 deaths in my family, I managed straight A's! I was rather proud of myself when I saw my final grades.
Another great experience was going through the Las Vegas Temple with my brother Brian as he prepares to serve a mission. Tomorrow Michael and I get to take Brian to the MTC! Tacoma, WA gets my brother for the next 2 years. :)

We're making our way into June. Michael is working (ridiculous amounts of hours) and getting ready to start school in a couple weeks. He's looking forward to joining the AFROTC detachment at BYU in the Fall and I'm excited to graduate with a double major in History and Communication in the Spring. After I graduate, it's off to the Air Force Reserves for me! So excited!!!
The year is almost half over. Hopefully the next 6 months will be exciting and full of happiness to make up for the emotional roller coaster the first half has been. Luckily, I married a kind and loving man who makes me laugh every day. :)
I love my husband! :D